Bussines partner

account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Customer Receivables 12110 The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. C_RECEIVABLE_ACCT Потраживања купаца 2020 Купци у земљи за обртна средства
Receivable Services 12115 Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES_ACCT Потраживања купаца - услуге 2020
Customer Prepayment 21510 The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. C_PREPAYMENT_ACCT Потраживања купаца - аванси ?
Payment Discount Expense 49200 Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. PAYDISCOUNT_EXP_ACCT
Write-off 78100 The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. WRITEOFF_ACCT Отписи 5703 Ванредни отписи некретнина,постројења и опреме
Not-invoiced Receivables 12190 The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. NOTINVOICEDRECEIVABLES_ACCT Нефактурисана потраживања ?218 Потраживања за нефактурисани приход
Not-invoiced Revenue 48000 The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. NOTINVOICEDREVENUE_ACCT Нефактурисани приход ?
Unearned Revenue 47000 The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered.  It is used in revenue recognition UNEARNEDREVENUE_ACCT Незарађени приходи
Vendor Liability 21100 The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities V_LIABILITY_ACCT Обавезе добављача 4330 Добављачи у земљи за обртна средства
Vendor Service Liability 21200 The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities.  It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. V_LIABILITY_SERVICES_ACCT Обавезе добављача - услуге 4330 Добављачи у земљи за обртна средства
Vendor Prepayment 12510 The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. V_PREPAYMENT_ACCT
Payment Discount Revenue 59200 Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. PAYDISCOUNT_REV_ACCT
Not-Invoiced Receipts 21190 The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. NOTINVOICEDRECEIPTS_ACCT 4338 Добављачи у земљи за нефактурисане обавезе
Withholding 21700 The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. WITHHOLDING_ACCT
Employee Prepayment 12520 The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. E_PREPAYMENT_ACCT
Employee Expense 68600 The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. E_EXPENSE_ACCT


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Product Asset 14120 The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. P_ASSET_ACCT Производ/роба 9600
или 1320
Готови производи /
Роба у промету на велико
Product Expense 51200 The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. P_EXPENSE_ACCT 5010 Набавна вредност продате робе у складишту
Cost Adjustment 51300 For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. P_COSTADJUSTMENT_ACCT
Inventory Clearing 51400 Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match).  You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. P_INVENTORYCLEARING_ACCT
Product Revenue 41000 The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. P_REVENUE_ACCT Приход производа 6020 Приходи од продаје робе на складишту
Product COGS 51110 The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. P_COGS_ACCT Набавна вредност производа 5010 Набавна вредност продате робе
Purchase Price Variance 58200 The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. P_PURCHASEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT
Invoice Price Variance 58100 The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. P_INVOICEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT
Trade Discount Received 59100 The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices. P_TRADEDISCOUNTREC_ACCT
Trade Discount Granted 59101 The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices. P_TRADEDISCOUNTGRANT_ACCT


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
(not used) 14100 General Trade Inventory W_INVENTORY_ACCT
Inventory Adjustment 56300 In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. W_INVACTUALADJUST_ACCT
Warehouse Differences 56100 The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. W_DIFFERENCES_ACCT Складиште  - разлике 5740 Мањкови материјала
Inventory Revaluation 56400 The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. W_REVALUATION_ACCT


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Project Asset 17710 The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects PJ_ASSET_ACCT Пројекат - средство
Work in Progress 17720 The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed PJ_WIP_ACCT Рад у току


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Bank Asset 11100 The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account. B_ASSET_ACCT Банка - средство 2410 Текући рачун
Bank In Transit 11110 The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. B_INTRANSIT_ACCT 2419 Прелазни рачун
Bank Unidentified Receipts 11120 The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. B_UNIDENTIFIED_ACCT
Unallocated Cash 11130 Receipts not allocated to Invoices. B_UNALLOCATEDCASH_ACCT
Payment Selection 21300 The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment B_PAYMENTSELECT_ACCT
Bank Expense 70200 The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. B_EXPENSE_ACCT 5530 Трошкови платног промета у земљи
Bank Interest Expense 82100 The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. B_INTERESTEXP_ACCT
Bank Interest Revenue 80100 The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. B_INTERESTREV_ACCT
Bank Revaluation Gain 80510 The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. B_REVALUATIONGAIN_ACCT 6630 Позитивне курсне разлике по потраживањима и обавезама
Bank Revaluation Loss 82510 The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. B_REVALUATIONLOSS_ACCT 5630 Негативне курсне разлике по обавезама и потраживањима
Bank Settlement Loss 82520 The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. B_SETTLEMENTLOSS_ACCT
Bank Settlement Gain 80520 The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. B_SETTLEMENTGAIN_ACCT


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Tax Due 21610 The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. T_DUE_ACCT 2790 Потраживања за више плаћени ПДВ
Tax Liability 21620 The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. T_LIABILITY_ACCT
Tax Credit 12610 The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. T_CREDIT_ACCT 2700 ПДВ у примљеним фактурама по општој стопи (осим плаћених аванса)
Tax Receivables 12620 The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. T_RECEIVABLES_ACCT
Tax Expense 74100 The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. T_EXPENSE_ACCT


account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Charge Expense 79600 The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. CH_EXPENSE_ACCT
Charge Revenue 49700 The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. CH_REVENUE_ACCT
Unrealized Gain Acct 80530 The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. UNREALIZEDGAIN_ACCT
Unrealized Loss Acct 82530 The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. UNREALIZEDLOSS_ACCT
Realized Gain Acct 80540 The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. REALIZEDGAIN_ACCT
Realized Loss Acct 82540 The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. REALIZEDLOSS_ACCT

Cash Book

account name account description AD_name превод конто назив конта
Cash Book Asset 11900 The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. CB_ASSET_ACCT 2430 Главна благајна
Cash Book Differences 78300 The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book CB_DIFFERENCES_ACCT 2486 Друга новчана средства
Cash Transfer 11910 Account for Invoices paid by cash CB_CASHTRANSFER_ACCT 2431 Порто благајна
Cash Book Expense 79400 The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. CB_EXPENSE_ACCT
Cash Book Receipt 49500 The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. CB_RECEIPT_ACCT

Последњи пут ажурирано: 24.дец, 2008